1. Initial recon
1.1. nmap
nmap -p- -Pn
2. user.txt
2.1. gRPC
A google search for port 50051 reveals that this port is generally used for gRPC.
Following this blog post I can start to find out how to enumerate gRPC.
Using grpcurl we can see that there is a service called SimpleApp running
and that the app has 3 pages.
now let's use grpcui to have a web ui for the application
If we try to use the getInfo option we get the following output
so, we may need to use the RegisterUser and then LoginUser functions to get our token
if we try to make a user with the name admin
we get an error saying that the user already exists, however, we can use the credentials admin:admin
with the LoginUser function and generate a token. taking note of the id and token we are given, let's use them with the getInfo function and see what we get
let's try some other numbers like, 1
time to do some research
2.2. SQLmap
This medium article talks about how SQLi might be a vulnerability when dealing with gRPC, so let's capture a request to a call to the getInfo function using BurpSuite and see if sqlmap can do anything for us.
sqlmap -r req.txt -dbs --batch
sqlmap -r req.txt --tables --batch
sqlmap -r req.txt -T accounts --batch --dump
We can use the credentials sau:HereIsYourPassWord1431
to ssh into the machine for the user flag
3. root.txt
Running a command to check for SUID binaries: find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls 2>/dev/null
we can see that bash
is there. so simply run /usr/bin/bash -p
for root!