
Write up for the HTB machine 'Knife'

1. Recon

1.1. nmap

A simple nmap scan: nmap -sC -sV {target-ip} reveals port 22-ssh and port 80-http.

1.2. nikto

A nikto scan using the command nikto -host {target-ip} reveals that the web application is using PHP/8.1.0-dev.

A quick google search of this PHP version shows us a Backdoor Remote Code Execution script found at:

Run the script along with a netcat listener and catch your reverse shell!

Navigate to /home/james for user.txt.

2. Privilege escalation

As our user let's see if there's anything they are able to run as root using the command sudo -l

which reveals:

User james may run the following commands on knife:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/knife

Looking up "knife" on we find the command sudo knife exec -E 'exec "/bin/sh"', so let's run it.

root :)

Navigate to /root for root.txt

Last updated